
Administrative Assistant - Cindy Maynor

Music Director - Dr. Donnie Taylor

Accompanist - Sheila Thead




Our Church Leadership for 2024

Administrative Council: The purpose of the Administrative Council is to provide for the planning and implementing of programs in the areas of nurture, outreach, and witness. The Administrative Council is the programming, administrative, and decision making body of the local church. The membership of the Administrative Council includes Chairpersons of Staff Parish Relations Committee, Board of Trustees, Finance Committee, Shepherds, Outreach Team, Witness Team and:

           Church Council Chair                                               Rhett Hamiter

           Recording Secretary                                                Linda Sweetapple

Lay Leader                                                                  John Stone

Lay Member to Annual Conference                             Dawn Jacobs

Financial Secretary                                                      Kay Stone

Treasurer                                                                     Bob Jacobs

Financial Representative                                             Dennis Oliver

Trustees Representatives                                            Jim Corbet, Jim Evans,

                                                                                     Ken Perrine

Worship Coordinators                                                  Gayle Leens / Ginny Pujol

UMM Pres.                                                                  Bob Jacobs

UMW Pres.                                                                 Linda Sweetapple

Children/Youth Coordinator                                        Jeri Peterson

Communications Coordinator                                     Office Staff (Cindy Maynor)

Lay Servants:                                                             Irene Lyles, Rhett Hamiter,



Staff/Parish Relations Committee:The role of the SPRC is to provide an avenue of communication between the pastor, other staff, and church members. It shall assist the pastor and staff in assessing their gifts and setting priorities for leadership and service within the local church and community. The SPRC also provides leadership for the congregation in working with the District Superintendent and the Bishop during the pastoral change and the appointment process. The members of the SPRC are Lay Leader, Lay Member to Annual Conference and:

Class 2024                                          Class 2025                              Class 2026

Dawn Jacobs                                      Dee Dickson (co-chair)            Brian Dove

Grace Arnold (co-chair)                      Carol Stevenson



Outreach: We have chosen to allow the UMW projects guide our outreach ministries. In addition our food pantry continues to provide needed assistance to our community. The Food Pantry coordinators are: Linda & Joe Sweetapple and Kat Hamiter.



Shepherds: The Shepherds provide membership care. They contact the membership monthly and coordinate gatherings such as funeral dinners. The Shepherds are:

Barbara Heading & Beverly Yarber (Co-Chairs), Pat Jacobs, Jo Stone, Susan Maxwell, Judy Slayton-Wilson, Grace Arnold, Gayle Levens, Jan Barnett, Sara Esterly, Pat Jocobs, kathy Gabrielson, Trisha Reeves, Rose Washington.



Sunday School Teachers: Rev. Marilyn Perrine, Jeri Peterson, Ginger Ware. Substitutes: Rev. Michelle, Brian Dove, Barbara Heading, Dee Dickson.



United Methodist Women Officers: Linda Sweetapple (President), Grace Arnold (Vice President), Dawn Jacobs (Secretary), Barbara Heading (Treasurer).

© 2024 Beauvoir United Methodist Church
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